
Quick Quote

Ethylene Glycol Drums

Starting From : $542.00

If you are looking for more than 4 drums or 2 totes, contact info@Dynalene.com or call (610) 262-9686.

Ethylene Glycol products offered by Dynalene can be used in various applications. We offer products for the temperature range -60°F to 350°F with pH stability and superior corrosion protection for steel, copper, brass and other metals. Dynalene’s Ethylene Glycol series is available in different concentrations to fit your system requirements.

2 Drums, Save $227
3 Drums, Save $393
4 Drums, Save $699

Optional Extras

Percentage 1 Drum 2 Drums 3 Drums 4 Drums
100% $765 $1,303 $1,902 $2,361
60% $647 $1,067 $1,548 $1,889
55% $631 $1,035 $1,500 $1,825
50% $616 $1,005 $1,455 $1,765
45% $602 $977 $1,413 $1,709
40% $587 $947 $1,368 $1,649
35% $572 $917 $1,323 $1,589
30% $557 $887 $1,278 $1,529
25% $542 $857 $1,233 $1,469

Quick Quote

In stock, paid orders received by 12pm EST will ship within 48 hours of payment approval.

We have 3 locations: Whitehall PA (Headquarters), Chicago IL (Midewest) and Salt Lake City (Western)

Unopened Container, 5 Years. Opened Container 1 Year. (Opened container should be re-sealed and stored in a cool, dry environment out of direct sunlight).

Please Select Percentage (%).

25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 100%

Please Select Quantity.

1, 2, 3, 4


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